Why Gift Cards?


We believe providing restaurant gift cards helps families take care of basic, every day needs while they are processing devastating news about their baby. When life is extremely challenging, the most basic chore can seem overwhelming. By providing gift cards to restaurants, Catherine Cares hopes to alleviate some of the burden every day chores can present during a difficult time.


When a baby’s prenatal or newborn devastating diagnosis is shared with a family, the next steps often involve additional doctor appointments. For families who have to travel great distances to each appointment, this can be an added financial stress. By providing families with the ability to physically attend appointments, we are contributing to the care and support the family needs during this challenging life event.


Sometimes families need to temporarily relocate during a high risk pregnancy in order to care for their unborn baby. This is a strain on the family in numerous ways including financially. Our need-based grocery gift cards help to alleviate a financial burden while helping to feed a family for several days of their long term stay out of town.